Richard Musgrave in Colombia: The Art of Tax Reform in a Developing Country
FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis. 2023. 79(4): 332-360.
Musgrave, Samuelson, and the Crystallization of the Standard Rationale for Public Goods
The Normative Problem of Merit Goods
'The Fiscal Policy Seminar: Its Early Stages'
by Richard A. Musgrave
Merit goods
with Péter Cserne
Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy.
Mortimer Sellers and Stephan Kirste (eds.) 2021. Springer.
Coase, New Institutional Economics, and the neglect of 'commons'
Aleksandar Stojanović
Review of Political Economy, 2022. 34(4): 665-691.
Calabresi on Merit Goods
Global Jurist. 2019. 19(3).
A Special Issue of the European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Marianne Johnson, Richard Sturn and I edited a special issue on the history of the 20th-century transition from public finance to public economics. With contributions from Steven Medema, Raphaël Fèvre & Thomas Mueller, Paolo Silvestri, Robert Dimand, David Coker & Alain Marciano, Ignacio Hauser, Benoît Walraevens, Herrade Igersheim, Danielle Guizzo & Carles Paré-Ogg.
Mapping the history of public economics in the 20th century
An introduction to the special issue
From Public Finance to Public Economics
(A long conclusion to the special issue)
Oxford Economic Papers. 2020. 72(4): 1050-1071.
The Birth of Homo Œconomicus
with Michele Bee
A Genealogy of
Merit Wants
A prosopography of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought,
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 2021. 28(6): 1005-1024.
Final drafts of most of the papers on this page can be found in open access on SSRN
A comparision between the conceptualisation of public goods offered by Léon Walras and Richard Musgrave
A contribution to the history of normativity in the theory of public finance
A reconstruction of the debate on the concept of merit goods since its inception
In L'accaparement des biens communs. Pierre Crétois (ed.), Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre. 2018
Melinda Cooper, Counterrevolution: Extravagance and Austerity in Public Finance.
History of Political Economy. 2025. 57(1): 331-337.
H. Spencer Banzhaf, Pricing the priceless: a history of environmental economics.
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 2024. 31(3): 530-532.
Peter J. Boettke and Alain Marciano (eds), The Soul of Classical Political Economy: James M. Buchanan from the Archives. History of Political Economy. 2022. 54(2): 816-818.
Author's draft of the reviews are available on my page.
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